

Should I Get Liposuction with a Tummy Tuck?

Apr 17, 2019 | Body, Fat Reduction, Liposuction, Tummy Tuck | 1 comment

The abdominal region is one of the hardest areas to treat with traditional weight loss methods. It seems no matter how much we exercise or how many calories we cut out of our diet, that bothersome belly bulge remains. Many men and women are turning to tummy tuck procedures to contour their ideal figure.

While abdominoplasty can thin the abdominal fat pad to a certain extent, you’re likely not going to see significant fat reduction with a tummy tuck alone. Dr. Bryan routinely performs both liposuction and tummy tuck procedures in a single session. Patients are able to get maximum contouring with results that are otherwise unattainable with either procedure on its own.

Benefits of Combination Procedures

One of the biggest benefits of pairing the two procedures is the ability to sculpt and contour your ideal figure with only one recovery period. There is no additional downtime needed when adding liposuction procedures to your tummy tuck. You’ll incur less pain and you can reduce the amount of recovery necessary compared to having the procedures performed separately.

The two complementary procedures can also be a cost-effective solution for patients that want to achieve both fat reduction and abdominal tightening. Pairing procedures will reduce surgical fees, anesthetic costs, and minimize the price you pay for your operating facility.

Is Liposuction with a Tummy Tuck Right for You?

You may be a good candidate for liposuction along with your tummy tuck if you have pinchable fat in the abdominal region. A tummy tuck’s primary focus is to remove excess skin and tighten underlying abdominal muscles. Adding liposuction to the procedure allows patients to achieve significant fat reduction at the same time.

The best way to discover if combining treatments is right for you is through an in-person consultation with Dr. Correa. He will evaluate your concerns and speak with you about your goals to get a better understanding about which route to take. Dr. Correa is a board-certified plastic surgeon that has helped numerous men and women safely sculpt their ideal contours.

Take the Next Step

Interested in learning more about pairing Liposuction with Tummy Tuck procedures? Schedule your free consultation with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon Dr. Correa by filling out the form on this page or by calling The Woodlands Plastic Surgery at (281) 419-9119. Proudly serving patients in The Woodlands & Houston, TX.

*Individual results may vary.


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