

on the blog

As some of the The Woodlands best plastic surgeons, Dr. Bryan Correa and Dr. Caroline Clarke perfectly blend their work with total artistic integrity and detailed patient analysis.


BBL Gone Wrong??

ON THE BLOGFat Grafting, Ab Etching, and Brazilian Butt Lifts, Oh My! Dr. Correa covers user-submitted questions from Live Q&A from January 25, 2022. Fat transfer or fat-grafting is a mainstream option for a breast augmentation. While this process is an option on...

How Can I Get Rid of Cellulite without Downtime?

ON THE BLOGCellulite is a common concern that affects nearly every woman at some point in her life. The dimple-like condition can have a negative impact on everything from the activities we participate in, to the clothing we feel comfortable wearing. The good news is,...